On May 10, 2021, the Ordre des chimistes du Québec issued a press release in which the following statement was also included in an ensuing article in La Presse newspaper:
“According to the Auditor General’s report, Health Canada‘s oversight of natural health products marketed in Canada has not ensured the safety and efficacy of these products,’’ reports OCQ President Michel Alsayegh.
“Clearly, this does not demonstrate the effectiveness of these products, which are nevertheless present on the shelves of various stores and pharmacies, not to mention the approval of homeopathic products that are based on fanciful theories and in total contradiction with the verified and verifiable principles of chemistry. ”
The CPHQ has sent a letter to the President of the Ordre des chimistes du Québec, Mr. Michel Alsayegh, in order to rectify certain erroneous information contained therein.
We present you the content of this letter (only available in French).
The CPHQ letter to the Ordre des Chimistes du Québec – May 27th